
Tiraspol requires OSCE and Ukraine’s assistance


Administration of Tiraspol calls OSCE leadership to evaluate objectively the situation of Transnistrian region and to pay the attention of OSCE member states in order not to allow the social-economic crisis in Transnistria, as well as to examine the possibility to allot Transnistria, urgently humanitarian assistance. According to news agency of Tiraspol Olvia-Press, Smirnov addressed a letter in this sense to Karel de Gucht. In a letter addressed to OSCE chairman Karel de Gucht, the president of Transnistrian republic Igor Smirnov required the evaluation of the situation of Transnistria and to allot humanitarian assistance to the region. In his letter, Smirnov speaks about the fact that since its existence, Transnistria put on the way to create a law-base and democratic state. But, on 3 March, Ukraine unilaterally violated the international treaties, implementing the new customs region at his border. As result of these actions, the economy of Transnistria is in a deep crisis se, it is mentioned in Smirnov’s letter to OSCE chairman. Transnistrian leader addressed to Ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko as well, talking about the incredible result of the economic blockade. He called Yushchenko not to allow a social-economic crisis in Transnistria and to allot assistance to Transnistria. The representatives of administration of Tiraspol required yesterday to Moscow assistance, which according to Russian report Russia will assist Transnistria soon.