
Tiraspol is asked to ensure unrestricted access to farmland


Farmers in the Dubăsari district who own agricultural land along the Tiraspol-Camenca road continue to encounter difficulties caused the de facto authorities of Transnistria, in violation of the previously agreed arrangements, say authorities in Chisinau, requesting Tiraspol to ensure unrestricted access of farmers to their plots.

The Reintegration Policy Bureau says that farmers face artificial barriers to free passage through Transnistrian checkpoints, with various abusive checks, unfounded restrictions and illegal fines. One particular problem is the requirement to vacate agricultural storage facilities in areas outside the control of Chisinau until the end of the year.

Farmers also face delays with authorizations by the Dubăsari authorities for transporting propagating material, pesticides and fertilizers as well as with rejections to replant their plots with other types of material than initially approved.

Farmers can only work their plots for short periods of time, which affects return on investment and efficiency.

Further, the area east of the Tiraspol-Camenca road is inaccessible to law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Moldova, which makes it impossible for them to investigate reports of theft, destruction of crops, vandalization of property and other such alleged violations.

A formal notification has been sent to the de facto authorities of Transnistria with the request to contribute unconditionally and operatively to the solution of the highlighted difficulties, eliminate existing barriers, ensure unrestricted access to lands for their processing, transportation and unlimited storage of agricultural production