
Tiraspol ignores Chisinau’s offer of help to alleviate drought effects


The authorities of the breakaway republic of Transnistria have so far left the offer of the official Chisinau to help the region deal with the effects of the drought without any response. A month ago, the Ministry of Reintegration sent an official letter to Tiraspol, inviting it to come up with proposals, but no reaction followed, Minister Vasile Sova stated at the meeting of the National Commission for European Integration on Thursday, October 4. Sova pointed out that the ministry and the OSCE mission to Moldova will search for a solution to provide aid directly to the population and businesses in the region. Prime Minister Vasile Tarlev stated that the Government is willing to distribute proportionally all the aid coming from abroad to all the regions in Moldova, including the eastern region. The Premier says the population on the left bank of the Nistry is now encountering difficulties. The Tiraspol regime has reached its nadir, both in terms of power and finances, the Premier said. According to the head of Government, the Transnistrian issue is still one of the weakest points of the Moldova-EU Action Plan, and the current state of affairs affects Moldova’s overall development, the welfare and state of human rights of the people living on the left bank of the Nistru, as well as stability in Europe.