
Tiraspol classifies Corjova incident as 'hooliganism'


The separatist authorities in Tiraspol say the Transnistrian authorities arrested the two men in Corjova because the event they were taking part in degenerated into “hooliganism”. After a meeting with Moldovan reintegration minister Eugen Carpov in Chisinau on Friday, Tiraspol's foreign affairs chief Vladimir Yastrebchak told reporters the manifestation in Corjova was political in nature and turned into “hooliganism”. “Such manifestations took place in previous years too, but this time it became political and hooliganic in nature”, said Yastrebchak, referring in particular to the fact that the participants displayed “official symbols of Moldova”, or simply tricolor flags. He said Valeriu Mitsul and Iurie Cotsofan would be eventually freed “but not until all the legal proceedings are over”. Legally speaking, hooliganism is a public order offense similar to mischief or disorderly conduct, involving brazen disrespect for social norms. Eugen Carpov said that during the meeting he reiterated Chisinau’s position: “Our major goal is to release our citizens. This is a first step, after which we will engage in a dialogue aimed at avoiding such situations from repeating themselves”, said Carpov. Philip Rempler, the head of the OSCE Mission to Moldova, refused to comment on this situation and even asked the reporters to stop putting pressure on the parties involved. Carpov and Yastrebchak had a nearly four hours long talk at the OSCE Office, which according to them, had been scheduled before, during the informal round of negotiations in Vienna on February 14-15.