The TIR-EPD module in the automated information system for customs data “ASYCUDA World” was restarted on December 7, after a five-year pause. The module is used by the Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova for electronic pre-declarations. Moldova was the first country in the community area that used TIR-EPD, from 2009 until 2013, but had to suspend it because of technical difficulties. The preliminary declaration by the free web application TIR-EPD enables customs officers to carry out a preliminary analysis of risks and to reduce the risks of fraud at customs posts and allows transport operators to improve labor efficiency and to save time and money, IPN reports.
According to the administrator of the International Auto Transport Agency (IATA) Dumitru Albulesa, besides direct numerous advantages for Moldovan carriers, the service will also benefit carriers from other states that transport to Moldova or transit the country. There are about 100,000 such routes a year.
Douglas Muir, Chief of Party on the USAID Moldova Structural Reform Program, said the implementation of TIR-EPD in Moldova is a convincing proof of the constructive dialogue that can exist between the public sector and the private one, in this case the Customs Service and the IATA. “These two institutions showed maturity by mutually acknowledging the stringent need of all the subjects involved in the transportation of goods and by identifying TIR-EPD as an instrument that would satisfy the exigencies of each of them,” stated Douglas Muir. He noted the application is a modern and useful instrument intended primarily for carriers and also for the customs authorities of Moldova.
According to the representatives of the Customs who attended the event, the procedure for filling in the TI carnet is now manual and this hampers the crossing of the border and processing operations. The customs officers want the processing to be optimized and the set of data in the TIR carnet to be extended so as to use the extended-format data set IRU in the context of the optimization.
Adrian Albu, of the International Road Transport Union (IRU), said the Kazakhstan-Azerbaijan-Georgia-Ukraine transport corridor could be the second step of the program that could involve Moldova by being extended to the country. Moldova can also become involved in the E-TIR project if it successfully implements the TIR-EPD module. The full computerization of the TIR system would be another progress step.
IRU TIR EPD (Electronic pre-declaration) is a free of charge web application for submitting electronic pre-declaration and entry/exit summary declaration that became obligatory for transport operations to/from EU. The application is available in 18 languages in 32 countries.
The TIR-EPD module in Moldova was restored on the initiative and through the contribution of the IATA with the support of the USAID Moldova Structural Reform Program for the benefit of the Customs Service of Moldova.
Signed in 197, the Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention) is the world’s only universal customs transit system. The system is recognized and implemented by the EU and another 74 states, including Moldova.