
Three-year-old scalds herself with hot water


A girl aged three from the municipality of Balti was rushed to the hospital in a serious condition after she scalded herself with the hot water prepared by her mother to cook a fowl. She was transferred to the National Clinical Hospital “Emilian Cotaga” in Chisinau in a serious condition. Burns Division head Gheorghe Vicol has told Info-Prim Neo that the girl is in a critical condition and her life is in danger. Gheorghe Vicol said that the child had stayed at the Balti hospital for two days, but was brought to Chisinau owing to her state of health. If she remains alive, she will have to undergo a series of plastic surgeries. Contacted by Info-Prim Neo, doctor of the Balti hospital Ala Condrea said the girl was brought to the hospital in the evening of December 2. She was in a state of shock and had scalds on 35% of the body, including the chest, abdomen, back and legs. Ala Condrea calls on the parents with small children to be very careful when using hot water. The number of cases of children suffering burns and scalds increases especially in the cold period of the year. “The hot water can kill a child. The parents and grandparents should take measures to prevent the children from coming into contact with it. The little children are attracted by water. They don’t know that it is hot and can injure them,” she stated, adding that the children often suffer burns when falling over stoves and other electrical appliances.