
Three parties form political bloc that will have common candidate in presidential election


The Dignity and Truth Platform, the League of Towns and Communes and the Party of Change formed a political bloc ahead of the presidential election. The bloc will identify a common candidate that it will support in this year’s election. The given decision and also the mechanisms meant to facilitate its implementation were adopted at the joint meeting of parties’ political bureaus, which was held at the end of last week, IPN reports.

In particular, the parties plan to create common bodies of the bloc: the Coordination Council that will include representatives of the three parties, a joint secretariat and joint staffs at central and territorial levels. Also, a new political and electoral approach will be developed to contend in the election campaigns of 2024 and 2025. A joint political and electoral program will be worked out and consulted with society. The parties also aim to launch and organize political consultations with representatives of other democratic and pro-European parties, the community of experts, representatives of civil society for ensuring political cooperation. Also, the political bloc intends to prepare for the parliamentary elections that will be held in 2025.

The three parties argue that they “realize the importance and necessity of the cohesion of democratic and pro-European parties, by consciously assuming the firm commitment for the country’s European integration”, but also “are aware of the danger of oligarchic forces returning to power”.

Through the announced action, the bloc reaffirms its common desideratum to offer the citizens of the Republic of Moldova a political and electoral alternative that corresponds to their real interests and needs, while harshly criticizing the current government for “the temptation to restrict the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens, politicization of the activity of democratic institutions, excessive centralization of power, violation of the principles stipulated in the European Charter of Local Autonomy through attempts to politically subdue local public authorities.”

In this connection, the bloc anticipates “the imminent loss by the Party of Action and Solidarity of the upcoming elections and the imminent risks to Moldova’s European path”. As an argument, the parties also invoke other mistakes of the current government, such as “the lack of efficiency in providing citizens with a decent standard of living; lack of results in doing the justice sector reform; absence of any progress in the fight against corruption; political confiscation of the objective process of European integration; toleration of oligarchic groups within the government; lack of tangible results in governance (demographic crisis, stimulation of political migration through abusive use of administrative resources, keeping of people with mediocre professional training in important positions; impoverishment of population; extension of population exodus; lack of investments; administrative chaos); creation of toxic coalitions at district level with representatives of pro-Kremlin and oligarchic parties.”

At the end of last year, the Dignity and Truth Platform, the League of Towns and Communes and the Party of Change announced their decision to form “a political and electoral partnership for the presidential and parliamentary elections”.