
Three new crèches inaugurated in northern Moldova with support of UN Women


In April, UN Women inaugurated three more crèche groups for children aged between 1 and 3 in the north of the country, in Sângerei, Râșcani and Glodeni cities. Representatives of the organization said that with limited childcare options, the women are often forced to choose jobs that offer shorter working hours and, as a result, obtain lower incomes. Thus, greater availability of early childhood care services will give women the opportunity to access jobs with higher earning potential, IPN reports.

These initiatives, carried out in partnership with national and local authorities, Street Child and with financial support from Sweden, mark significant progress in reconciling work and family life for nearly 60 families in the northern region of the country.

The crèche group at “Foișor” kindergarten in Râșcani city, open for children aged 1-2 years, was renovated and equipped in partnership with Street Child and the financial support of Sweden. The The crèche group “Steluța” in Glodeni was opened for children aged between 2 and 3 years. It was equipped by UN Women in partnership with Street Child and Sweden’s financial support.

“It is a joy to see that more and more crèches have been opened and renovated in the Republic of Moldova. This is the result of the efforts made the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the development partners. We thank UN Women and Sweden for creating better conditions for our children and for offering greater possibilities to parents and mothers to quickly reenter the workforce,” MP Marina Morozova said at the inauguration of the crèche group in Glodeni.

Minister of Labor and Social Protection Alexei Buzu, noted that when there are more high-quality crèche services, everyone benefits. First of all, the children are the ones who benefit because they begin to socialize and develop their skills faster. In addition, parents can more easily balance work and family life.

The crèche group in Sângerei city, intended for children aged between 2 and 3 years, was renovated and equipped with the financial support of Sweden. Ambassador of Sweden in Chisinau Katarina Fried said that by investing in early childhood care services, Sweden aims to build a more prosperous future and a stronger economic market in the Republic of Moldova. This provides opportunities not only for children, but also for parents, allowing them to fully integrate into the labor market and contribute to economic growth.

“We invest in childcare services to facilitate the return of parents, especially mothers, to the labor market. The insufficiency of crèches is one of the biggest barriers for mothers to (re)integrate into the labor market and achieve financial independence,” reiterated Dominika Stojanoska, UN Women Moldova Country Representative.

The renovation and equipping of crèches in northern Moldova involved a total investment of US$60,000 from UN Women, this being possible thanks to the financial support of Sweden, which continuously supports initiatives to empower women and promote gender equality. Through these initiatives, UN Women Moldova aims to increase economic opportunities for women and access to the labor market, thus contributing to the sustainable development of the community and society.