
Three AEI parties adopt decision on Ghimpu's decree


The Alliance for European Integration (AEI) assembled on Saturday – without the Liberal Party – to discuss the apparently unilateral decision of acting president Mihai Ghimpu to declare June 28 as the Day of Soviet Occupation. The AEI leaders said they came to a joint decision, but refused to make it public before Monday, June 28, when the AEI is to assemble en bloc. “We have come to a common position but, for correctitude reasons, it will be announced at the AEI's meeting in pleno”, declared Democrat leader Marian Lupu. AMN leader Serafim Urecheanu criticized Mihai Ghimpu's failure to ask other AEI leaders' opinion before issuing the decree. Lib-Dem leader Vlad Filat said Ghimpu made an unilateral decision by declaring June 28 to be the Day of Soviet Occupation and commemoration of victims of the communist regime. The AEI will assemble on Monday to discuss again Ghimpu's decree, deciding at the same time whether Parliament would meet on Monday as the Liberals requested.