
There are favorable prerequisites to settle Transnistrian conflict on the basis of Moldova's sovereignty and territorial integrity – Info-Prim Neo interview with Reintegration Minister Vasile Sova.


Info-Prim Neo news agency has carried out, during a month, an opinion poll among politicians, opinion leaders from the Nistru's both banks regarding the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict. The poll pursued to gather as many viewpoints as possible that could contribute to improve the current situation. All the interviewees have been posed the same two questions. How can the dispute be solved? In what way, through what mechanisms and during what terms is a settlement possible? How do you think, how efficient and relevant to the created situation are the steps taken by the administration of Moldova at present? When do you think the effort made by the authorities will begin to produce results and what results can we expect? 22 representative figures with important roles in forming and mirroring the public opinion concerning this issue were pleased to answer our questions. They are: - Anatol Croitoru, executive director of the Culture and Law Association “Transnistria”; - Anatol Petrencu, the president of the European Action Movement; - Andrei Safonov, editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Novaya Gazeta” from Bender, the deputy president of the Foundation “The Center for the Defense of Human Rights in Transnistria”; - Dumitru Braghis, president of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) ; - Dumitru Diacov, the president of the Democratic Party (PDM); - Eduard Maican, president of the National Union of Independence War Veterans (UNVRI); - Elena Bobkova, the director general of the Tiraspol-based Center for Social Research New Age; - Grigori Volovoi, president of the Foundation “Center for the Defense of Human Rights in Transnistria”; - Oleg Cristal, deputy editor-in-chief at “Moldova Suverana” daily, politics PhD candidate; - Radu Gorincioi, doctor in political science, commentator on security issues; - Radu Vrabie, program coordinator at the Foreign Policy Association ; - Roman Mihaes, Master of Politology; - Serafim Urecheanu, the president of the Moldova Noastra Alliance (AMN); - Sergiu Ostaf, the executive director of the Resource Center of Moldovan Nongovernmental Organizations for Human Rights – CReDO; - Stefan Uratu, the president pf the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights from Moldova; - Vlad Filat, president of the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova (PLDM); - Igor Munteanu, political analyst; - Ion Manole, the president of “Promo-Lex” Association; - Alexei Catana, the president of the association TraDeM from Rabnita, former president of the non-governmental organization “Evrica” (AO “Evrica” has been founded by the parents of the pupils studying at the Evrica lyceum from Rabnita) ; - Veronica Abramciuc, the president of the Socialists’ Party of Moldova “Patria-Rodina”; - Viorel Cibotaru, director of the European Institute for Political Studies in Moldova; - Vitalia Pavlicenco, the president of the National Liberal Party (PNL), MP. The survey has unveiled a wide diversity of opinions and viewpoints, concerning both the origin of the Transnistrian conflict, and the ways of settling it. On the other hand the picture is far from being complete, because it lacks, say, the viewpoint of the unrecognized authorities from the left bank. Particularly, the speaker of the Tiraspol Parliament, Yevgeni Shevchuk, was very polite to invoke his loaded agenda which has not allowed him to answer the Agency's questions. Also a number of politicians from the right bank did not answer the questions. Anyway, the gathered material seems very important to us, and we have tried to follow, on its basis, certain trends and, respectively, certain perspectives to solve the conflict. We thought it would be good to call on experts in this regard, so as to have maximum of pluralism this time, too, and we decided to have two viewpoints on these matters. One belonging to officials, and the other – to the civil society. The state authorities are represented by Reintegration Minister Vasile Sova. [- What is the significance of this diversity of opinions, very polarized, by the way, especially for the chances to settle the conflict? How much do the Moldovan authorities take into account the viewpoints extant in society, on the Nistru's both banks, concerning this issues in their efforts to settle the conflict?] - The diversion of opinions in general, or, in other words, the pluralism of ideas, always tells of a high development degree of a mature democratic society. And this thing, when speaking of the Moldovan society, can't help gladdening us. At the same time, it is absolutely obvious, the reaching a national consensus is an especially important prerequisite concerning the identification of a viable solution for the Transnistrian conflict. In this regard, significant is the fact that, through June-July 2005, the political forces represented in the Moldovan Parliament reached a consensus manifest through passing the law on the basic principles of the special legal status of Transnistria, that we guide ourselves by in our work. Despite their diversity, the opinions expressed by representatives of the civil society are precious political pillars in settling the Transnistrian conflict, taking into account that its definite settlement should enjoy the support of the majority of the population. That is why we consistently consult with the representatives of the civil society and of political forces from both banks. We'll mention, in this respect the periodical meetings with the leaders of interested NGOs, our taking part in different public debates at conferences and round tables, including in “Nistru Dialogs” organized by the Foreign Policy Association, etc. [- How much capacity, political will and realism does the material gathered following the survey on the necessity and possibility of settling the conflict imply? What conclusions may be drawn from the considered materials regarding the concrete forms and the real terms of settling the Transnistrian conflict?] The capacity, political will and realism displayed by the interviewed people are subjective matters, expressing their political culture and options, as well as their level of competence and knowledge of the problems related to the settling process. Thus, one can easily notice some viewpoints differ so much that they exclude one another. Nobody has openly voiced against the need to solve the conflict, reaching this objective being natural and matching everybody's interests. The controversial opinions are worded, most often than not, namely concerning the terms and the ways of solving the Transnistrian problem which, as it is easily understood, depends on the political will of all the factors involved in the settlement process. We want the Transnistrian issue to be solved the soonest possible, on the basis of complex approaches at talks in the “5+2” format, and we want the settlement model to be based on the observance of Moldova's sovereignty and territorial integrity. We consider there are real favorable prerequisites for that.