
The sports in Moldova to be regulated by a distinct authority


The sports area in the Republic of Moldova will be regulated by a distinct authority. The parliament approved on Thursday, 18 May, the creation of the Sports Agency (SA) simultaneously removing this area out of the competence of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MEYS). According to Nicolae Esanu, the representative of the Government in Parliament, these modifications will step up the consolidation of the forces for a continuous development of sports, the well-functioning of the sports schools and clubs. He mentioned that the work of the Agency will be partially financed from the resources allocated for this sector to the specialized ministry and partially from the budgetary money destined for the reform of the central public administration. SA will function as an autonomous specialized central authority. The current entitling of the MEYS will loose the word “Sports”. The MPs supported by common consent this draft law and the MPs Oleg Tsulea and Dumitru Diacov pleaded for the extension of the new structure’s competences that should become the Agency of Youth and Sport, because according to them the youth area is closer to sport than to education. In this way, the competencies of the specialized ministry will regard only education, field that has a lot of problems to be solved. This proposal was not accepted. The Government will have to approve during the next thee months the chart, the personnel and the activity regulations of the new agency and of the restructured Ministry.