
The Law on registering animals came into force


The owners of animals will be obliged to inform the state veterinary doctor, in maximum 7 days about the birth, purchase, putting to death or selling animals. This is provided by the Law on registering animals. The text of the document is published in the August 11 issue of the Official Monitor. According to this Law, animals will be registered in the State Registry of the Animals, which will include information about the veterinary documents given to the owner, about the animals and their movement. The files will be kept during the period between the beginning of the exploitation and three years after its end. The information included in the State Registry will be disclosed on the basis of the owner’s request in writing. The identification of the animals will be performed by the veterinary doctors, employees of the System for Identification and Registration of Animals created through the present Law. Imported animals will be registered within 15 days starting the import date. The movement of the animals on the territory of Moldova will be performed on the basis of a veterinary warrant or in some cases – veterinary export certificate. Individual passports will be necessary in case of horned cattle. The Law on Identification and Registration of animals came into force on the date of its publication. .