
The idea to rename the Theatric Street into Constantin Constantinov Street not approved by municipal culture committee


The committee of culture, mass-media and interethnic relations denied the requests of several civil organizations to rename the Theatric Street from Chisinau into Constantin Constantinov Street. The Committee members considered that renaming the street would imply financial hindrance to the municipality and would create discomfort to the citizens living on this street, as they would have to change the residence visas, the information from the cadastral registers etc. They also considered that the General Department of Architecture and Urbanism would give the great artist’s name to another street in the future. Yet the Committee unanimously voted to place an honoring inscription on the Sciusev 71 house, in which the actor lived. People’s artist since 1953, Constantin Constantinov was born on July 7 1915 and deceased on March 8 2003. He played on the stage on the "A. S. Puskin" Musical Theater from Chisinau since 1944. His first movie was the 1955 musical “Leana”, and he was also starred in several comedy roles.