
The Goods of 2017 in Agriculture. An IPN Campaign


With highs and lows, 2017 is nearing its end. It is a good time for conclusions. On this occasion, IPN has gathered good thought from all over the globe, this time only good thoughts, from decision-makers and from those on the receiving end of these decisions. What good has come of 2017? This is the question we posed to the people who have accepted to join us in our pursuit of the good in our surroundings and in the events that affect us. Although many things do not follow our wishes, winners are the people and societies that learn to see challenges and lesser things as extra opportunities to get involved and make things better. For each of the topics we approach, we provide rankings that reflect the opinions of those who developed them. Read further for the good things 2017 has brought to agriculture.

Top-5 from the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment:

1. In 2017, relative to 2016, the yield on vegetable agricultural products was of higher quality.

“Wheat production has grown by almost 20%. Autumn barley has grown by 12%. Corn – 34%, soy – 27%, sunflower – 11%. The total yield in fruit has grown by 3.2%, seeds – by 3.4%, stone fruits – 3%. Fruit-bearing shrubs and strawberries have reached a yield 15% higher than last year, and the volume of vegetable and potato production has grown by 22%.”

2. Strengthening anti-hail systems across the country. “Seventeen new rocket points have been built. Protected areas have grown by 11%, i.e. by 215 thousand ha. Of 6263 procured for 2017, 4411 have already been used, and another 892 projectiles have been purchased for 2018.”

3. Vegetable product exports rose.

“Fruit export amounts to 200 thousand tons. For the first time, export quotas have been surpassed, due to plum exports. We have exported, for the first time, cherries to the EU. The number of economic agents who export to the EU is on the rise. Food-grade grapes have been exported by 38 sellers, fresh apples – 9, fresh plums – 53, wheat – 55, barley – 36, corn – 29, sugar – 2, and ethylic alcohol – 5.”

4. Investments in agriculture have grown considerably.

“They have grown by 30% in 2017, relative to 2016, and reached the amount of 1.5 billion lei. Subventions have grown by 34%.”

5. An increase in agricultural field surfaces processed according to conservative agricultural requirements.

“According to estimates, in 2017 fields with elements of conservative agriculture have grown by 5% of the total arable surface. The surfaces are sown with cultures from the first group and rapeseed. Territorially, the surfaces divide as follows: 5-7% - in Gagauzia UTA, 8-10% - south, 12-15% - center, and 35-40% in the north.”

Top-5 from the Fruit Producers and Exporters Association:

1. Considerable quantities of fresh fruit have been exported to the EU, especially to Romania and Poland.

“For the first time in the history of Moldova, significant quantities of Moldovan fresh fruit have been exported to the EU. In plums, the 10 thousand ton non-taxable quota has been greatly surpassed; over four thousand tons of apples have been exported, over nine thousand tons of grapes.”

2. The National Agriculture and Rural Development Fund has been approved for a period of five years.

“The National Agriculture and Rural Development Fund has been approved for a period of five years – 2017-2021. The document provides for long term investment planning in agriculture.”

3. Professional associations have become main actors in promoting exports and diversifying agro-food markets.

“This year, the associations have organized and participated alongside their members in international specialized exhibitions with a joint stand, under a joint message on Moldovan products.”

4. The National Conference on “Fruit Business in Moldova” took place.

“The National Conference on “Fruit Business in Moldova” has become an efficient platform for promoting innovations and technological transfer across the fruit production chain. We had 180 participants this year, 12 international and 9 local speakers.”

5. Higher degree of mechanization in apple harvesting.

“We implemented technologies that mechanize a great part of the harvesting process, raising productivity by 1.5 – 2 times and lowering 5 times the quantity of fruit damaged in the process.”

Top-5 from the National Federation of Agricultural Producers from Moldova AGROinform:

A good yield, with record breakers in some crops.

“That is the main news of 2017. In spite of the calamities in spring, in spite of a dry summer, we have high yields; we will have bread. A land worker’s highest reward is the yield of the land.”

2. The Law on subventions in agriculture and rural development has been approved, along with the Regulation on requirements, order and procedure of allocating funds from the National Agriculture and Rural Development Fund.

“The document sets the general principles on state policies regarding the stimulation of agricultural activities and rural development, and the directions on using financial means dedicated to the development of the agricultural industry sector. The new subventions Regulation, that has regulated the entire subvention process of this year, is following the EMPARD funding agreement and is valid for five years. Thus, agricultural producers can plan their investments without taking excessive financial risks.”

3. A series of financing projects in agriculture, including grants.

“Land workers have obtained more opportunities to access funds. We would like to mention the Rural Financial Services and Marketing Programme (IFAD VI), as well as the launch of the IFAD VII, with a total budget of 23.7 million dollars. We would also like to mention the “Moldova High Value Agriculture” program implemented by Chemonics International Inc, funded by USAID with 21 million dollars for the development of the agricultural sector.”

4. Exports to the European Union have grown, and agricultural producers have made use of the new markets.

“The fact that exports to the EU have surpassed the forecasts, denote the fact that ever more local producers raise their quality to European standards, and prove that the EU market is open for Moldova, a great hope for the future.”

5. The Government Reform has passed and, as a result, three Ministries have been absorbed into one, and thus has been formed the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment.

“In this way, the policies of the three inter-dependent development sectors will converge, leading to the prospering of rural communities throughout the country, to the development of agriculture and protection of the environment.”

Other articles in the “Goods of 2017” series:
What good things did 2017 bring in Transnistrian settlement process. IPN Campaign
What good things did 2017 bring in education. IPN Campaign
What are the accomplishments of 2017 in tourism! IPN campaign
What good things did 2017 bring in environmental sector. IPN Campaign
What good things did 2017 bring in cinematography. IPN Campaign
The Goods of 2017 in Rights for People with Disabilities. An IPN Campaign
The Goods of 2017 in Organ and Tissue Transplants. An IPN Campaign
The Goods of 2017 in Literature. An IPN Campaign
The Goods of 2017 in Volunteering. An IPN Campaign
The Goods of 2017 in Support for Children without Parental Care. An IPN Campaign

The Goods of 2017 in the Bank Fraud Probe. An IPN Campaign
The Goods of 2017 in Foreign Policy. An IPN Campaign
The Goods of 2017 in Cultural Heritage and Landmark Preservation. An IPN Campaign

The Goods of 2017 in Justice and Rule of Law. An IPN Campain.