
The Coordinating Council of Audiovisual will discuss the Audiovisual Code


The Coordinating Council of Audiovisual will examine on the meeting from Thursday, April 20, the Audiovisual Code, adopted 2 weeks ago by the Parliament in first reading. According to the schedule of the meeting, approved by the interim-chairman of the Council, Arhip Cibotaru, the conclusions upon the project will be presented by Ion Mihailo. At the same meeting, Arhip Cibotaru will present the results of the contest announced by CCA 2 months ago for parting available radio and TV frequencies. Also on Thursday will be examined the problem regarding the re-broadcast of foreign Audiovisual channels. CCA will announce a contest for using some other available radio and TV frequencies. The Code’s approval by the communist, democrat and Christian democrat deputies generated the critics of many journalist and media organizations that consider that the project includes a series of gaps, inconceivable for the activity of the audiovisual from the Republic of Moldova. Especially are criticised the stipulations that regard the appointment of CCA members, the fact that the Code expels out of the media space local broadcasters, and other stipulations which come in conflict with democratic values and recommendations of the Council of Europe.