
The chaos in the local councils is the expression of the contradictions between the central power and the very petulant democratic coalitions: analyst Igor Botan states a year after the first round of the local elections


“The chaos in the local councils is the expression of the contradictions between the central power, totally controlled by the Communists Party, and the democratic coalitions which are very petulant,” finds political analyst Igor Botan, the executive manager of the ADEPT Participative Democracy Association, as a year has passed since the first round of the local elections, on June 3, 2007. Asked by Info-Prim Neo, the analyst has said this situation will last, most probably, till the 2009 parliamentary elections, which will have to answer the question: is the Moldovan citizen ready to further accept this discrepancy, rupture between the central and local authorities, or not? Under these circumstances, the citizen will have to bring to harmonization the quality of the central power with the one of the local power or to maintain the statu quo which gives him nothing good, so far. Igor Botan opines that after a year since the local elections, things are still very vague. Opinion polls show that the situation is rather conserving, people are unhappy with the things going into a wrong direction, but the political opposition is so dispersed that the question: if the Communists (PRCM) are not able to insure their majority, who take over the role of a leader, practically has no answer. The opposition has win an aggregated victory in the local poll, which has been ephemeral from the very beginning, says the analyst. It cannot be overcome to turn into a solid, viable corps, what is rather bad for the development of Moldova. In Igor Botan's opinion, Moldova will have to go through this stage till the parliamentary elections, when the citizens will have to make a useful choice — to draw a line between the democratic parties with chances, and the ones without chances, in order to strengthen the ones with chances. Then, it will be law on financing the political parties to enter its role. The formations getting into the Parliament will get financing from the state budget, while the ones, which will not cross the threshold, will remain without budgetary money. Thus, the party left outside will face a fierce competition, what in the long run will lead to curing the party system in Moldova, says the expert. According to Igor Botan, the coalition from the Chisinau Municipal Council (CMC) is not productive because the democratic forces are dispersed. In addition, they have one more problem — Dorin Chirtoaca's success in the 2007 elections suggested to many that, if they try, they can also repeat his success, driving the Liberal Party outside the political struggle. The analyst finds that the Liberal Party proved a big handicap in the beginning. The fact that it needed half a year to build a majority formed of half of the councilors, in the situation when the democratic forces hold 2-3 in the CMC, shows how far PL's ambitions have gone, on the one hand, and how much the other parties have tried to narrow the maneuvering field of the Liberals, on the other hand. Asked about the latest statement by President Vladimir Voronin as to the possibility of holding a referendum in Chisinau to fire general mayor Dorin Chirtoaca, the analyst reminds that the President suggested the same thing last year, in July. The suggestion is resumed in the context in which the legislation provides for organizing such a referendum only a year after the elections. Igor Botan is certain that, if such a thing is attempted, Dorin Chirtoaca will have but to win. The mayor will automatically become the first person in the attention of the public opinion. In addition, all the obstacles created for him by the Central administration will emerge. At the same time, the opinion polls indicate Dorin Chirtoaca's rating is rising, he is in the top of the first 3-4 figures enjoying the largest trust on the citizens' behalf. In this situation, Dorin Chirtoaca can only dream of such a campaign, which will favor him extremely much, the expert concluded. Following the first poll round on June 3, the Communist candidate to the position of Chisinau's mayor, Veaceslav Iordan, and the Liberal one, Dorin Chirtoaca, qualified for the playoff . Dorin Chirtoaca won the race with Veaceslav Iordan with 22,34 % of votes more .