
The Bat! wins silver at ‘Trademark of 2014” contest


In the award ceremony of the contest “Trademark of the Year 2014”, which was held in the evening of January 29, the IT company “Ritlabs” SRL was offered silver in the nomination “Export” for the trademark The Bat!. The contest is annually staged by the Chamber of Trade and Industry and the State Agency on Intellectual Property of Moldova, IPN reports.

“Ritlabs” director Maxim Masiutin said that 2014 turned out to be a good one for the company, which ended the year with significant rises in sales, especially abroad. This type of sales rose by 36% compared with 2013, including in Poland by 66%, in Germany by 39%, and in Russia by 8%. The company also maintained the position of leader against its main rivals on the market of Russia and of other CIS states and increased the organic traffic on the website of “Ritlabs” from web search engines by 5%.

The Bat! is a secure email client produced by Ritlabs”, which is the only company in Moldova that creates integral computer software and sells it all over the world under the own brand name. The Bat! is the only brand in Moldova’s IT sector that is well known abroad. The company’s programs are annually sold in 97 counties on average, with people in 191 countries using The Bat! .

Under the regulations of the annual contest “Trademark of the Year”, the award in the nomination “Export” is offered for the most efficient strategy that yielded considerable results on foreign markets. This nomination is intended for trademarks of national goods and services companies registered abroad that conquer new markets and built a positive image for the county.