
Termoelectrica would have had three functional blocks now if tender contest hadn’t been annulled, entrepreneur


Representatives of the company Horus Energy, who announced the completion of the capital repair works on Energy Block No. 3 of SA Termoelectrica, said that if the tender contest announced in spring hadn’t been annulled, the company would have had three functional blocks now. According to them, Block No. 2 was to be modernized but the tender contest was annulled for political reasons.

“We warned back in spring that if the tender contest is annulled and the block is not modernized, billions of lei for electrical energy will be paid in autumn. It seems that our warnings came true, regrettably. A payment of about €2 million was to be made then to a Russian company for particular installations needed for modernizing Block No. 2. But this seems a children’s game compared with the billions of lei that is paid now from the public budget for natural gas to another Russian giant, Gazprom. Our warnings weren’t taken into consideration then and, regrettably, more needs to be paid today, Mihai Godea, director for development of the group of companies Horus, stated in a news conference at IPN.

According to the company’s representatives, the current energy crisis can be overcome if a number of actions are taken without delay. “First of all, Energy Blocks No. 2 and 3 need to be modernized. I repeat that Block No. 3 was extensively repaired. It wasn’t modernized. We see the necessity of modernizing Bloc. No. 2 and 3 so as to increase the production capacity. After the modernization, an extra 54 megawatts will be produced at the two blocks. If the medium and high pressure cylinders are also modernized, and we consider that this must be done, an extra 15 megawatts will be produced at the three blocks. There will be a surplus of electrical energy, which is important now that Moldova experiences an energy crisis due to the war in Ukraine and to the reduction of gas supplies to the Kuchurgan power plan by Gazprom,” explained the director for development of Horus.

According to him, supplying raw material to the Kuchurgan power plant for processing is an intermediary solution to secure the necessary electricity. This can be done by SA Energocom, for example. Pit coal or crude oil can be supplied. “Surely, the supply of coal is a problem. Traditionally, the power plan, when it worked on coal, imported coal from the East, especially from the occupied region of Ukraine, Luhansk, and from the carboniferous deposits of the Russian Federation. This now seems impossible amid the war but sources of supply can be identified, including in Central Europe. I refer to Poland, the Czech Republic and other carboniferous sources,” noted Mihai Godea.

He also said the supply of crude oil is a simpler solution as this can be easier obtained, including on the international market. “Given the local and regional energy market, the call of the group of companies Horus to the authorities of the Republic of Moldova is to combine the forces of the public institutions, the business community, the community of experts. We should have debates to discuss the problems experienced by the energy sector and end users and should identify sustainable solutions,” urged Mihai Godea.

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