
Ten thousand ecstasy pills hidden in car, Chisinau resident faces jail term


A Chisinau resident faces nine years behind bars for smuggling drugs from the Netherlands into Moldova to sell them. It goes to about 10,000 ecstasy pills that had been hidden in the section between the windshield and the engine of the man's car, IPN reports.

The Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime and Special Cases said that the person entered Moldova in June 2020, through the Leușeni customs point. Under the leadership of the Prosecutor's Office, undercover agents were infiltrated as drug buyers.

The next day, the 49-year-old man met the undercover agent in Buiucani district of Chisinau, where he gave him two gray "trial" pills. Two days later, he brought the almost 10,000 ecstasy pills, which on the black market cost an estimated 2,500,000 lei. The meeting took place in Botanica district, where the individual was detained with the support of "Fulger" Brigade employees. Subsequently, the man was placed in preventive detention.

After the sentence is issued, the car will be confiscated as it was allegedly used to smuggle drugs into Moldova, and the pills will be destroyed.