
Television is most important and trusted source of information for Moldovans


For 70.7% of the Moldovans, television is the most important source of information, shows the Public Opinion Barometer (POB) of November 2018 that was presented by the Institute for Public Policy on December 4. The Internet and radio stations are the next most important sources of information, IPN reports.

By the level of trust enjoyed by the sources of information, television also ranks first with 35.4%. Prime TV is the main TV channel that is used by 58.7% of the respondents to inform themselves. 35.3% of those interviewed watch mainly the national TV channel Moldova 1. Jurnal TV is preferred by 25.7% of those polled. The next on the list in descending order are: RTR Moldova (24.6%), NTV (22.1%), Publika TV (20.3%), Pro TV (18.1%).

Asked from what sources they usually receive information about the events in the country and all over the world, 53.6% of the respondents indicated the Moldovan TV and radio programs. The Russian TV and radio programs are used by 28.6% of those polled, while 19% receive information from news websites.

The poll was carried out during November 9-23, 2018 and covered a sample of 1,115 persons older than 18 from 82 localities, except for the Transnistrian region. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3%.