
Teleradio-Moldova executives use most of time for discussions with inferiors, statement


The work time of the senior managers of the National Public Broadcaster “Teleradio-Moldova”” should be appropriately divided within the reform initiated at this institution, the Association of Electronic Press stated after analyzing an ordinary workday of seven key managers of the company, Info-Prim Neo reports. APEL expert Aneta Gonta said the study showed that the company’s president, the director of the radio station and the director of the public television channel allot most of the time for discussions with the inferiors, signature of documents and telephone conversations. Also, the time used for organizational activities exceeds the time used for planning and control activities. Four of the seven chiefs do not have a job card that would stipulate their activities and responsibilities, while three of the seven managers lay emphasis on planning activities. During a workday, the seven managers use 967 minutes for discussions with the employees. Aneta Gonta made recommendations for optimizing the use of time so that the company’s objectives could be achieved easier. One of the recommendations is to implement a modern model of managing responsibilities through the agency of the computer. It is important that the work of the whole company be based on strict rules, not on interminable discussions with the inferiors. In another development, APEL expert Valentin Dorogan said the results of the monitoring of the advertisements broadcast by “Teleradio-Moldova” in September-October 2012 show that the number of ads decreased compared with September 2011, while the airtime allowed by the legislation for advertising --12 minutes per hour – is used to a rather low degree. The data are contained in the second report compiled by the APEL in the process of monitoring the management of the reforms initiated by the national public broadcaster within a project supported by the Mass Media Program of Soros Foundation Moldova.