
Teleradio Moldova Company will propose a refreshed broadcasting schedule after a 6-week vacation


Starting July 2, most of the programme creators at the Teleradio Moldova Public Company will take a leave of absence. The vacation is expected to last till August 15. Upon their return, the leadership of the national television channel intends to launch a series of new shows. The refreshed broadcasting schedule was approved by the Company’s Supervisory Board (SB) on Friday, June 29. Two SB members – Veaceslav Ionita and Igor Munteanu – voted against. According to Moldova 1 channel director Adela Raileanu, two new TV programmes are to be aired on a regular Sunday basis in two weeks at the latest. She referred to the analytical programmes “Parliamentary Bulletin” and “Chronos”. The “Public Life” talk show devoted to debates on social and economic matters will be renamed “Z Accents”, and will undergo format and scenery changes. For Mondays, the channel scheduled airtime for political debates. Several concepts are currently on the table, including a programme supposed to be hosted by the channel director. Adela Raileanu said she may give up the idea if the TRM president forbids the managers to host shows. “Bringing the School Closer” show will be renamed to “The Education Panorama”. Its authors will renounce the talk-show format in exchange for a programme that will be closer to the documentary genre. From mid-August, Moldova 1 will launch two more shows: “Interactive Game”, created in concert with Hungarian partners, and “Destines and Destinations” – an OWH Studio production. Veaceslav Ionita and Igor Munteanu, who voted against the updated broadcasting schedule, labelled the new programmes provincial. The SB members argued their nays by the fact that the schedule only names the titles of the new or refreshed shows, without providing details about them. “The title alone doesn’t say anything about intention. When someone proposes a new show, it should come along with a pilot”, said Munteanu. In his words, the budgeting for the next year should be preceded by the approval of the broadcasting schedule, and not the opposite, as it happened. As from August 15, Teleradio Moldova could stay idle for some while due to repair works at the transformer which supplies the company with electricity.