
Teachers from Moldova, Serbia, Bulgaria, Albania and Ukraine make data exchange on expressing their Romanian spirit


40 teachers of history and Romanian language and literature, including textbooks’ authors of Moldova, Serbia, Bulgaria, Albania and Ukraine participate in the summer school, in Busteni, Romania, on the topic “Romanian Cultural Patrimony in textbooks”, organized by the Romanians from Everywhere Relations Department (RERD) of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in cooperation with „Syllabus” Association of Bucharest. According to the organizers, the training will be held until August 24. The program will include lectures and round tables where they will make exchanges of experience, materials and data on expressing their Romanian spirit. The project aims at intensifying the cooperation between Romanian professional environments and abroad ones, for developing harmonized education programs in these states. The main purpose of the action is to make a comparative research on the education programs and making proposals on how to present the Romanian cultural heritage in the textbooks.