
TAMA application for identifying and informing about polluted areas


The citizens will be able to identify areas polluted with waste and to inform the authorities about these through the TAMA (Trash Alert Mobile Application) that was created as part of the CRoCuS (Cleaner Rivers – Cleaner Seas) project and will be presented by WiSDOM association on December 20, when it is celebrated International Human Solidarity Day.

In a news conference hosted by IPN, Nadejda Andreev, head of the public association “Women in Sustainable Development of Moldova” (WiSDOM), said the application helps to swiftly detect polluted areas and to notify the authorities. It is also possible to identify recycling and companies and to receive news about cleanup events.

Nadejda Andreev, a doctor of biological sciences, noted that representatives of educational institutions showed a great interest in this application, while the local public authorities were rather reluctant as they do not want to assume additional responsibilities. They are yet hopeful that the authorities of rural localities will show grater responsibility.

“The waste collection system is better managed in cities, in Chisinau municipality, in Balti etc. In rural localities, the situation is disastrous as there are authorized and unauthorized waste dumps to which everyone take the waste, even in a centralized way,” stated Nadejda Andreev. According to her, measures should be taken as the banks of rivers and wooded areas are full of plastic waste.

In the event to present the application, the participants will learn how to inform about a waste problem, how to give feedback on the waste collections service, how to identify recycling companies and to receive news about different cleanup activities.

The application will be presented on December 20, on International Human Solidarity Day, at the Municipal Library “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” starting at 2pm.

The CRoCuS project is implemented under a partnership that consists of the Bulgarian foundation Earth Forever, the public association WiSDOM and the public association ECOTOX of Moldova, Mama-86 Nova Kahovka of Ukraine and the Oancea mayor’s office of Romania. The project is financed by the EU through the European Neighborhood Facility as part of the Joint Operational Program Black Sea Basin 2014-2020.

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