
Tactile paving for the blind and sports grounds set up in “Valea Morilor” Park


A section of the Park “Valea Morilor” in Chisinau was turned from a green area into a recreational area. In the upper part of the park, there were set up pedestrian alleys and installed urban furniture and a public lighting system, Vasile Efros, head of the Territorial Development Section of the General Public Amenities Division, has told IPN.

“Given that a higher number of persons with visual impairments live in that area, we set up tactile paving, particularly for the blind. There were also placed tables and chairs for persons with locomotor disabilities, for persons in wheelchairs and a special bar, including for persons with visual impairments and with locomotor disabilities,” stated Vasile Efros.

Playgrounds and sports grounds for playing basketball as well were set up in the park. “There were placed 25 benches, 18 garbage bins and two garden containers for planting decorative bushes. Video cameras will also be put in that area,” said the functionary.

The revamping works started in July and will end in December. A sum of 2.5 million lei was allocated from the municipal budget for these works.