
Sweden offers USD 3 million for consolidating Moldovan civil society


The Sweden International Development Cooperation (SIDA) launched a new consolidation program for the Republic of Moldova’s civil society worth USD 3 million. The program will take place during 2006-2008 and will be led by the Soros – Moldova Foundation (SMF) and the Eurasia – Moldova Foundation (EMF). According to a press release of the three structures, the program will give grants to non-governmental, non-profit and mass-media organizations from the Republic of Moldova. The implemented program will be co-financed by the SMF and seeks to develop a democratic and viable civil society in the Republic of Moldova. The program will cover priority fields, such as consolidation of the non-governmental sector by supporting advocacy campaigns, the development of NGO networks and capacities of these organizations; marginalized groups, social reintegration of former prisoners; independent electronic mass-media support. EMF will promote the civil duties by consolidating trust amongst governmental structures, civil organizations and mass-media in three key fields: increase of activity of the citizens in governmental activities and supporting reforms according to the Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (EGPRSP) and the EU – Republic of Moldova Action Plan; supporting democratic culture in organizing free and just elections; fighting corruption by increasing the abilities of the civil society and the mass-media to prevent and recognize corruption forms. The program supervised by the EMF is co-financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway. Sweden supports a wide array of activities and projects that can help people help find for themselves a way out of poverty, by financing programs that target the public administration, civil society, economic growth and social development. The bilateral support of Sweden for the Republic of Moldova dates back to 1996, and in 2006 the budget is evaluated at USD 12.5 million.