Students to pay 56-110 lei for handbook hiring
In the new year of studies, students will pay between 56 and 110 lei for handbooks hiring. About 20 percent out of the total number of students in the capital city will get discounts on the hiring fee.
Director of the General Department of Education, Youth and Sports, Tatiana Tverdohleb, states that, like in the previous years, the handbooks will be free for the primary school. Students in the 5th grade will pay for the 10 handbook set 56.8 lei. The same fee will be paid by students in the 6th grade. Those in the 7th grade will pay 65.5 lei per 12 handbooks, and those in the 8th grade – 69 lei. The 9th grade students will pay 69.4 lei. The highest hiring fee will be for the lyceum handbooks, but it will not exceed 110 lei.
Discounts on hiring payment will be offered to one-parent family children, and to children in socially vulnerable families educating more than 3 students. The discount value is to be determined individually for each case. The orphan children will be totally exempted from paying the handbook hiring fee.
2252 children were exempted last year from paying the handbook hiring fee. The costs were covered by the local budget and represented 104.2 thousand lei.
The Government set up starting with 2003-2204 year of studies a system of hiring handbooks to the lyceum students.