
Students from Chisinau engaged in Radioprotection Workshops in France


Students and teachers from Moldova during March 19-22 took part in the 11th edition of the Radioprotection Workshops in France’s Dijon. The nuclear physics courses held within the Workshops are an extracurricular educational activity designed to increase the students’ interest in exact sciences, in physics in particular. Besides theoretical lessons, the students develop practical studies in the form of thematic projects, IPN reports.

For the seventh year in a row, the event involved a Moldovan delegation that consisted of six students of the Chisinau Lyceum “Prometeu – Prim” and teachers Zinaida Virlan (French language) and Viorel Dushchak (physics). This year, the Moldovan students addressed radiological protection in the health system from the perspective of the medical personnel and of patients who are administered treatment by nuclear medicine methods and techniques. The Moldovan students’ performance was highly appreciated by the organizers.

The Radioprotection Workshops are a program that is staged and supported financially by a series of important nuclear sector players of France. The program is conducted annually in two stages. In October – February, each participating lyceum stages nuclear physics contests for students enrolled in the program. The contests are followed by the designing of a practical project and by the participation in the International Conference for High School Students in a French city in March.

The International Conference for High School Students held within the Radioprotection Workshops this year involved lyceums from France, Germany, Moldova, Belarus, Ukraine and Japan.