
Stoplights at intersection of Alecu Russo – Bogdan Voievod – Moscovei streets disconnected


The stoplights at the intersection of the streets Alecu Russo, Bogdan Voievod and Moscovei Blvd. in Rascani district of Chisinau were disconnected and there was ensured gyratory movement. In the intersections with gyratory direction, the vehicles from inside have right of way before those that enter the intersection. According to the local authorities, the measure was introduced on a trial basis in a move to fluidize traffic in the area.

Contacted by IPN, acting head of the Public Transport and Communications Division Igor Gamretski said they will monitor the situation during a week. Over this period, a police patrol will work on the spot. On Monday, there will be marked the crosswalks and the necessary signs. If the number of road accidents increases in the period, this initiative will be abandoned.

Earlier, there were disconnected the stoplights at the intersections of the streets Constantin Negruzzi, Dimitrie Cantemir and Albisoara, and Petricani and Calea Orheiului. Afterward, the traffic lights at the first intersection were reconnected.