
Stoianoglo’s arrest between fight against corruption and show


Society needs images by which to see that the people who hushed up cases of grand corruption are held accountable, said PAS MP Dumitru Alaiba, according to whom Alexandr Stoianoglo’s work is beyond the expectations of society. For their part, representatives of the extraparliamentary parties and political commentators said Stoianoglo’s arrest reminds of the regime of Plahotniuc, when justice was televised, IPN reports.

According to Alexandru Slusari, ex-Deputy Speaker of Parliament, the work of the Prosecutor General leaves to be desired as no progress has been made in any of the high-profile cases during two years in office. But the way in which Stoianoglo was arrested affects the image of the whole prosecution service.

“We must not present a TV show with persons in uniforms and balaclavas. It is the Prosecutor General’s Office that will continue to exist after Stoianoglo. The image of the Prosecutor’s Office is already beyond any level. What was the necessity of filling the building with persons in balaclava helmets? How was the arrest decision reached in only two hours? I remember such processes taking place during the time of Plahotniuc. Viorel Morari resorted to such shows very often,” Alexandru Slusari stated in the program “Secrets of the Power” on JurnalTV channel.

Former Communist MP Alexandr Petkov also criticized the way in which Stoianoglo was arrested. He said the dictatorial regime of Plahotniuc was replaced by the PAS government.

“Any prosecutor, even one with 20 starts on the forehead, cannot arrest the Prosecutor General during only two hours. By such an action, we dropped to the level of the underdeveloped African countries. The coming of good times means the coming of dictatorship in the Republic of Moldova,” stated Petkov.

The representatives of the government deny the accusations and say that society empowered the current government to do justice, while Stoianoglo, from the post of Prosecutor General, did nothing but ensure the liberty of corrupt persons and thieves of billions. 

“In society, there is demand for such images. The people need to see on TV persons who during two years hushed up cases of grand corruption. Tell me about a high-profile case that was fully completed during these two years. Tell me about a thief of billions who was jailed or was at least brought home. What has this man done during two years?” said PAS MP Dumitru Alaiba.

“The procedures should be respected. The fight against corruption in a state like the Republic of Moldova is impossible in white gloves and PAS will have to act on the razor’s edge, but the strict observance of the legal norms is mandatory. If this is not ensured, the fight against corruption will be discredited,” said political commentator Anatol Țăranu.

Two days ago, Alexandr Stoianoglo was placed under arrest for 72 hours. He is accused of abuse of power, misconduct in office, passive corruption and falsehood.