Stock Exchange: price of shares Moldova-Agroindbank decreased
The Wednesday meeting at the Stock Exchange Bursa was not noted with major events, only two companies being transacted - Moldova-Agroindbank (MAIB) and SA Typography Raza de Sud, representing in whole a rotation of 150,818 lei within four transactions.
The first transaction with shares MAIB was not a successful one being noted a price decrease. Thus, when last year the price of shares issued by the bank havs increased from 258 lei/share to 545 lei/share, this year began with a decrease – 532 lei/share. A day before the above-mentioned transaction in the transaction system of the exchange there were two applications of purchasing these shares at a price of 430 lei/share and 530 lei/share.
The transaction with shares issued by the typography was an increasing one, with two times of the price since last operation – from 5 lei/share to 10 lei/share. But, the experts mentioned, along the time the price of these share had an instable evolution, with big increasing and decreasing in very short terms.