
Stereotypes maintain gender inequality, experts


Tolerance of violence, unequal division of responsibilities in the family and women’s reduced participation in the political life are only some of the forms of gender inequality that are often met today. Such a conclusion is contained in the study “Men and gender equality in the Republic of Moldova”, which was released on December 2.

The study represents an instrument for determining the attitudes and polices on gender equality and men’s practices in different areas, such as public life, family life, responsibilities assumed in raising and educating children. “The policies on gender equality are aimed at engaging the women, while the opinions of men and their involvement are left aside. The paradigm is being changed. We want the men to play an active role in promoting gender equality,” Angelina Zaporojan-Pargari, who heads the Women’s Law Center, stated for IPN.

Domestic violence is the worst form of gender inequality. “Both the women and men accept violence most of the times. The women accept violence in order to keep the family. This behavior perpetuates from the elder generations. Namely stereotypes perpetuate gender inequality,” said Diana Cheianu-Andrei, director of the Center of Investigations and Consultancy “Sociopolis”. According to her, it is important for the women aged between 18 and 30 to become mothers and to also build a career.

According to acting deputy minister of labor, social protection and family Nighina Azizov, violence can be combated only if it is reported. The necessary legal framework exists, but it is difficult to implement is when the victims of violence do not report the cases.

The study was carried out on the initiative of the Women’s Law Center. Within it, there were surveyed 2,000 respondents aged between 18 and 60, 500 of whom women and 1,500 men.