
Stefan Voda local organization condemns attacks on PPPDA


Leaders of the Stefan Voda local organization condemn the attacks that they consider denigrating on the Political Party “Platform Dignity and Truth” (PPPDA). These said that a number of media outlets recently broadcast a news item about the arrest of a person caught driving under the influence, presenting this as a member of the PPPDA, but this person actually has never been a member of the party.

“We are here not to justify ourselves, but to slap back the TV channels that form part of the holding of Plahotniuc (chairman of the Democratic Party, e.n.), which shamefully and unjustifiably tried to dishonor the Stefan Voda local organization of the Party “Platform Dignity and Truth,” the organization’s head Olga Cheapki said in a news conference at IPN.

She noted that as the leader of the local organization, she wasn’t contacted to confirm or deny this person’s affiliation to the party. Moreover, the woman considers that this information was intentionally disseminated before the PPPDA’s congress so as to denigrate the party and its members. “In this connection, I insist that these channels of Plahotniuc’s holding, which furnishes the general public with untrue information, should apologize for calumny,” stated Olga Cheapki.

Nicolae Rusu, secretary of the Stefan Voda local organization, said a denigration campaign has been launched against the party. This press report is also denigrating, while the media outlets that broadcast it should offer public apologies to the members and sympathizers of the PPPDA.