
State sells property of almost 800 million lei


The Moldova Stock Exchange on May 19 holds the first auction to sell state-owned shares this year. Outcry auctions will take place on May 20, 21 and 22 as well. Shareholdings in 24 joint stock companies, in 11 of which the state has controlling interest, will be exhibited for sale in them, IPN reports.

State-owned shares in the following companies will be auctioned: “Comert Petrol” SA (100%); “Aeroport Catering” SA (100%); the Orhei-based tobacco factory “Fabrica de fermentare a tutunului din Orhei” SA (95%); the Falesti-based sanitation equipment company “Uzina masini de salubrizare din Falesti SA (94%); “Alimentarmas” SA (30%); the Vulcanesti-based Butter and Cheese Factory (13%), and others.

The assets put up for sale were assessed at 784 million lei.