
State Register of Legal Entities to be reviewed


The Public Services Agency will initiate the procedure for removing 53 inactive State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) from the State Register of Legal Entities, IPN reports, quoting a Government decision.

These enterprises were registered in 1992 – 1995 and weren’t effectively managed by the public authors that founded them. The enterprises do not perform production activities, do not own assets and their owners in time presented no proposal for reanimating or liquidating them.

A condition for striking the 53 enterprises off the register is for these not to have debts to different creditors. The eventual creditors have two months to claim debts if such exist.

In general, according to the quarterly information about inactive legal entities presented by the State Tax Service, there was compiled a list of 442 SOEs that hadn’t worked for a long period and can be struck off the register.

The goal is to optimize the process of managing public property.

A recent World Bank study says the size of government for its level of income is unusually large in Moldova and State Owned Enterprises still dominate several sectors. SOEs display much lower productivity levels and growth than their nonstate counterparts, and SOEs are present in at least 19 out of 30 sectors. In Estonia, for example, SOEs prevail in only eight economic sectors of the 30 analyzed.