
State of public health emergency to be instituted in Chisinau and other localities


A state of public health emergency will be instituted in 26 territorial-administrative units as of October 1, given the red alert announced there. Chisinau is among these localities. The decision was taken by the National Extraordinary Public Health Commission on September 28, IPN reports.

Under the decision, the local extraordinary public health commissions will institute public health measures in accordance with the alert level in the managed territories. The adjustment of the public health measures in relation to education institutions, health facilities, public services institutions, public order institutions, business entities, electoral bureaus and polling stations will be coordinated beforehand with the National Extraordinary Public Health Commission.

The Commission’s decisions are executory for the central and local public authorities, private individuals and legal entities regardless of the area of activity and legal-organizational form. The non-observance of these decisions can serve as a reason for holding the persons to blame accountable.