
State can take decisions on “Termocom” JSC – Dionisie Antocel


Administrator of “Termocom” JSC Dionisie Antocel says that by means of the decision 651 of July 1999, the Government of Moldova has transmitted the property rights of the state on “Termocom” JSC to the City Hall of the Municipality of Chisinau and this means that the company continues to be a public property. Therefore the state still has the right to take decisions on issues related to the heat supplier. This was the retort of Antocel to the standpoint of economic analyst Veacslav Ionita, who recommends the authorities of Chisinau to dispute their rights to property on “Termocom” JSC, as it was included by the state in the list of facilities which can not be privatised. Veaceslav Ionita said that only the privatisation can attract investments in what concerns the modernisation of the company and that it is necessary to work out a concept on the reformation of the company which would create a free thermal market. On the other hand, Dionisie Antocel stated that there already exists a development concept of “Termocom” JSC and it is being worked out with the support of the specialists from the Swedish Agency for Investments and Development. He says that “Termocom” JSC, with the consent of the creditors, is trying for several years to attract investments, but it did not manage to obtain too much. The investors were proposed to sell these facilities or to create a company with joint capital, but it did not help, the main problem being the tariff for heat. “As long as the tariff for heat will not be set by a politically independent institution and will not include the real expenditures, we can not count on attracting investments”.