
State Award to Worth 1 Million Lei


Starting 2007 the Government will offer a State Award with the value of 1 million lei for each 10 areas: economics and mathematics, biological sciences, chemistry and ecology, physics and engineer sciences, medicine, agricultural sciences, humanitarian sciences, music and choreography, literature, theatre and cinematography, plastic arts. The awards ceremony will take place once in two years, on the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Moldova. In order to select the participants, to evaluate and prepare proposals, in the near future will be created, by a presidential decree, the National Council for State Awards, which will be functioning for two years. The Council will include 17 members, including 8 persons proposed by the Science Academy of Moldova (SAM), 7 by the Government and one by the Parliament and President. Afterwards, the National Council will elaborate the activity regulations according to the given competences; will sign agreements with scientific centers and independent foreign experts on transparency and concurrence. Ion Varta, counselor of SAM’s Chairman, declared for Info-Prim Neo that for the first time in the State Awards offering history will be practiced an international expertise, because it is “very difficult to be objective in a small country like Moldova, where everyone knows each other and where everyone are someone’s relative”. This is the reason why, for each area will be signed two agreements for performing the expertise in other countries. Vartan exemplified that the expertise for the literature Award could be made by the Romanian Academy or the Writers’ Union of Romania. This type of evaluation will cost about 100 thousand lei. Within this process can be attracted, accorded to Vartan, UNESCO, the Association of Academies from Europe, other important structures. The representative of SAM mentions that the value of the state Award increased in order to make comparable to the value of awards offered in the neighbor countries. He says that, the Awards of the previous edition, amounting to 25 thousand lei, which is in some cases distributed to several nominees or given to a group of persons, was too small to stimulate significant achievements. The expenses related to the state award ceremony and the activity of the National Council will be included in the Law on the State Budget.