
Sports documentary premieres in Moldova


“It is with great satisfaction that I anticipate the appearance of the first Moldovan documentary film on a sports subject”, said Aurel Mateuta, a director with Moldova-Film Studios, at a news conference on Thursday presenting young Gheorghe Agadjanean's “800 Purple Horses”. “I'm sure that throughout the 26 minutes of the documentary your eyes will be glued to the screen and I'm sure the premiere will be a success”, he offered. The film, devoted to the Independence Cup car race, is to be screened for the first time on Thursday, 7:00PM, at Odeon Theater, as an opening to the IV International Sports Film Festival. Describing his production, Agadjanean said the value of this film resides in the freshness of the chosen subject, in the exclusively “live” and not archived images, which make the film more credible and intense. “It's a production in a way resembling sci-fi movies”, said Agadjanean, underlining the major contribution of the main hero, racer Denis Shurganov, once a military aircraft pilot, who throughout the storyline lives passionately the moments of this rally, together with his precious purple automobile. In an intriguing diary-like layout, the film has a stylish documentary choice of words. The director appreciated the work of the crew during the shooting sessions, praising the special style of the senior cameraman, Ruben Agadjanean, who happens to be his older brother and who “employed techniques less common here in Moldova”. “There were skirmishes among us as we filmed, but everything ended very well after all, at least for the film”. “My wife's support was huge. She was wise to have waited until those awfully hard shooting days ended and only then she decided to give birth to our first child”, the young director and the fresh father jested. “800 Purple Horses” was produced in association with Moldova-Film Studios and Teleradio-Moldova Company.