
Specialized Parliamentary Commission Selects Candidates of ACC members


The Parliamentary Committee for Culture, Science, Education, Youth, Sports and Media selected on Thursday, October 12, candidates for those 9 members of the Audiovisual Coordinating Council, who will be proposed for approval to the Parliament. The members of the commission proposed candidatures, on the basis of those 15 selected at Wednesday’s meeting. Afterwards each candidate was voted separately. The candidates for the office of ACC members are: Constantin Rotaru, Gheorghe Gorincioi, Valeriu Soltan, Valeriu Frumusachi, Corneliu Mihalache, Carmelia Albu, Ludmila Vasilache, Valeriu Ciobanu and Ruslan Plesca. 5 of them were proposed by communist MPs, 3 by Christian-democrats and 1 by the representatives of the Democrat Party in the Committee. 3 candidates proposed by Anatol Taranu did not accumulate the necessary number of votes and he left the meeting as a protest to some candidatures. The MP of “Moldova Noastra” Alliance, Anatol Onceanu did not participate in the voting. He was not present at the previous meeting, mentioning that he was announced too late. Onceanu declared that the voting of the candidates to the office of CCA members “is a circus”. According to the Audiovisual Code, 3 members will be appointed for a period of 6 years, 3 for a period of 4 years and other 3 for 2 years. Gheorghe Gorincioi, Ludmila Vasilache and Corneliu Mihalache were proposed for a period of 6 years. Valeriu Soltan, Ruslan Plesca and Carmelia Albu – 4 years, and the other 3 – for 2 years. According to the legislation, the candidatures will be examined also by the Legal Commission for Appointments and Immunities, which will present a report. Victor Stepaniuc, the chairman of the Media Commission declared that the Parliament will examine the candidatures at the meeting from October 19.