
“Special services pose serious danger to Moldovan state.” Info-Prim Neo interview with Pantelei Sandulachi, head of Association “Parlamentul 90”, from the series “19 years of Impendence”


[ - What is your opinion about the return to the name of Independence Day, as the members of the first democratic Parliament designated August 27?] - This year, the holiday will be much brighter and joyful owing to this fact. Moreover, this month it is one year of the formation of the Alliance for European Integration, which managed to give a fresh impetus to this holiday, despite the problems it faces. We are proud that Moldova survived as a state and showed that the decision to proclaim Independence taken on August 27, 1991 was a correct one from political viewpoint. [ - What are the greatest accomplishments for Moldova’s Independence achieved by the AEI?] - The greatest accomplishment is that the people started to feel more protected and obtained freedom of expression. Our country is now treated differently. Until recently, we were called Communists, a county with a red flag. The results achieved during the Independence years were rather political than economic and social. But the present administration stopped this decline. It is important that Europe started to support Moldova. This is a great accomplishment of the AEI. [ -Have the expectations from the start of the 1990s been met?] - The expectations at social level were great in 1991 and remain great. But the social aspect depends on the political one, on the governors of the country. The special services – the police and the Security and Information Service – in the form inherited from the Communist administration pose a serious danger to the Moldovan state. Therefore, a large part of the members of the first Parliament decided to join a political party, though we could have stayed aside and stated our opinions only. We decided to get involved because the present young governors are like us at the start of the 1990s. We then did not enjoy support. [ - How do you react when the people say that Moldova is not truly independent?] - I think we had been really free in 1990 - 1991 and in the first half of 1992 because all the decisions were taken in Chisinau. After 1994, the decisions started to be dictated by geopolitical centers. Russia is now probably bothered by the fact that Moldova became independent again and follows the path to European integration. [ - What was the greatest danger that threatened Moldova’s Independence the last few years?] - The people’s mentality is the greatest danger. When a person is determined, nothing can stop them. Unfortunately, many of our people continue to consider themselves slaves. Many expect that somebody will come from outside and solve our problems. The help is expected from Russia, but so far this country caused us only problems. If we manage to overcome this mentality, Moldova will become a different country and Europe believes this, mainly because a new generation appeared during these 19 years that has nothing in common with the old Soviet system. The Diaspora is now pro-European as they saw how it is to make money from zero. If we unite all these components, the results will be good. [ - Was patriotism understood differently 19 years ago?] - It wasn’t easy to restore the Declaration of Independence, but it was a lesson of patriotism for us all. The feeling of patriotism comes from abroad rather than from inside. I was abroad and saw that this feeling in the Moldovans living there is ten times greater than in those who live in Moldova because they appreciate our values more. The Moldovans abroad are not vagrants. They work hard. They are patriots, but want the Government to create decent living conditions in their motherland. Many things did not live up to expectations, but a state is built with difficulty. Those who are grandparents or great grandparents should tell their children and grandchildren that a country is not received as a present, but is built. Not the size of the country, but the reforms implemented and the living standards count. I wish everyone health, good luck and to be tolerant towards those who deserve it. We must pass the autumn exam as it will indeed decide Moldova’s fate. [Tatiana Ciobanu, Info-Prim Neo]