
Some residents of Buiucani district can remain without heat


Some residents of Buiucani district could be disconnected from the heat supply network, sales director of “Termocom” JSC, Mihai Arusoi, stated Monday November 6 at a City Hall’s sitting. The representative of the heat supply disagreed with district local authorities’ initiative to connect all the dwelling blocks, regardless of their preparation or the level of paying the thermal services. According to Arusoi, on Sunday the former head of district office Valeriu Nemerenco, dismissed on Friday from post for the lack of heat in certain blocks, connected with the help of the police all the apartment blocks to the thermal supply, without asking the consent of “Termocom” JSC. Arusoi asserts that the networks from some blocks were not prepared for winter, and other buildings have significant debts for the thermal energy supply service. In the context, the interim mayor Vasile Ursu declared that “Termocom” should not connect the blocks to the thermal agent in case of some irregularities. He warned again that the heads of APLP and cooperative houses that are found guilty of the houses’ non-connection to the thermal agent, regardless of the preparation of the networks, lack of passports or debts for thermal services, will be held responsible. Ursu sought from deputy mayor Veaceslav Iordan to work out a timetable of organizing sittings for presenting the reports of the heads of the Associations for the Owners of Private Houses (AOPH) and Housing Partnerships. Thus, from November currently to February 2007, they will be obliged to present in front of the residents the report about their activity. The representative of “Termocom” JSC, Mihai Arusoi, said in turn that about 60-70 managers of the dwelling fund from the capital do not operate calculations in their own bookkeeping anymore, but in that of the supplying enterprise. In the next two weeks, with the help of the district offices, all AOPH and Housing Partnerships will also provide this way of performing bookkeeping calculations.