Some categories to benefit from heat tariff compensation automatically
A number of categories from Chisinau could benefit from heating charge compensations, not having to demonstrate they need the assistance. The question is about retirees whose pension is smaller than the existence minimum, about disabled, participants in wars and military conflicts, the victims of political reprisals, former detainees in concentration camps and the families with four children or more. The idea comes from the chairman of the Chisinau Municipal Council (CMC), Eduard Musuc, and will take effect if the municipal councilors vote for it, Info-Prim Neo reports.
Musuc told a news conference Monday the proposal envisages the inhabitants of privatized apartments and the ones living in Chisinau's suburbs, which will get by 250 lei per persons a month. Musuc also says he will ask the councilors to support the idea of including the people with a salary smaller than 1,450 lei and the registered unemployed.
The other people thinking they are entitled to receive social aid will have to prove it.
“The City Hall has failed in implementing the regulation on granting the indemnities. A month after it took effect, only 63 dwellers received compensations in November, as other 1,616 will benefit from the assistance in December. It's mocking people. If we calculate as we have done it, we'll need years to provide the indemnities,” Musuc said.
Asked by Info-Prim Neo, Musuc has said the draft decision has not been endorsed yet by any committee, but “it will be done tomorrow (23 December.)”
Eduard Musuc announced the phone number the Chisinau residents may dial to complain about not having heat in their apartments: 92 52 52.
Moldova Noastra Alliance (AMN) councilor Oleg Cernei, who sat at the table next to Musuc, said “Musuc is misleading people, since a Council chairman has but three powers.” “You have no competence to question the CMC's decisions, and it's called cheap populism what you're doing right now,” Cernei said, adding that Musuc's proposal is nothing but a justification before the pensioners having protested last week in the City Hall.
Cernei also said that Musuc “misled the public in terms of the memorandum” and that “nobody empowered Musuc to open a hot line.”
According to the heat compensation regulation, 40% of the charge is to be paid by the City Hall if the dweller proves his family gets a monthly income of less than 1,450 lei per member.