
Solutions are needed to simplify procedure for paying vignette, PM


Prime Minister Pavel Filip, in the January 25 meeting of the Cabinet, returned to the subject of vignette issuing at customs posts, saying the given procedure in the current conditions blocks access to customs posts and jams form at the state border, IPN reports.

The Premier instructed the Customs Service, the Electronic Governance Center, the Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure, the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology and the Ministry of the Interior to formulate proposals for simplifying the given procedure and optimizing border crossing procedures.

“I request the responsible institutions to suggest solutions during a week. The payment for the vignette can be made at any gas station. Or a representative of the Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure should be present at the customs post and makes sure that these payments are collected,” stated the Premier.

According to drivers, the payment of the vignette and obtaining of the relevant confirmation alone prolong the border crossing procedures by at least 30-40 minutes.