The councilors of the Socialist group on the Chisinau Municipal Council said the councilors of other groups use to vote dozens of agenda items in a package in the meetings, without examining each of these. Thus, after the last meeting alone, the damage caused by such a practice amounted to over 7 million lei, according to them, IPN reports.
Socialist councilor Gaik Vartanean said the damage of over 7 million lei was done following the ‘package voting’ of a series of land issues that weren’t debated in last week’s meeting. This money could have been used to open 15-20 new groups in nurseries in Chisinau.
Councilor Victor Poleakov said the vote on the Municipal Council does not take place according to the regulations and is not transparent. The agenda is compiled with a series of sub-items, which is a violation. Voting an item with a multitude of sub-items is nothing else but package voting. The meeting’s chair is responsible for the voting and this is obliged to detail the issue before putting it to the vote, but this is not done.
The councilors also referred to the energy efficiency project that was approved in the previous meeting. Alexandr Odintsov said the Party of Socialists is not against ensuring energy efficiency, but is against thefts. A feasibility study should have been carried out before taking out the loan so that it was clear how much money will be saved and during what period of time the investments will be recouped.