
Social-Democrats want to form coalition with PCRM


The Social Democratic Party (PSD) is in favor of a post-electoral coalition of the center-left parties. According to the party, the most real and viable coalition would be the one between the PSD and the Communists Party. “We are convinced that after the elections, the PSD will influence all the legislative processes in the future Parliament. But the party will not be able to solve all the problems faced by the sovereign Moldova by itself and make sure that our multiethnic population is preposterous,” the Social-Democrats say in a communique, quoted by Info-Prim Neo. The PSD proposes a memorandum for a future discussion with the PCRM. The document is to be signed before the elections. “This memorandum will show the whole society that we are honest in our intentions and our common task is to ensure Moldova's property,” it is said in the communique.