
Social Democracy Party is concerned with Chisinau residents’ supply with thermal energy


The Social Democracy Party (SDP) is deeply concerned with the disturbing situation in the thermal energy supply system from Chisinau and qualifies the cynic attitude taken by the Government and municipal administration regarding this problem as an elementary blackmail, as most of the debtors are underprivileged people. According to a press statement, SDP expresses its disagreement about the intention of forcing citizens to pay off their debts by sequestering their goods. These actions are an attempt to transfer responsibilities on the residents’ back, a run off of the Government and municipal public administration from their commitments regarding the social protection of the citizens, the statement shows. The statement’s signers think that the heat issue had to be settled much earlier than the heat season started, but the mayor was more concerned with the achievement of certain political actions, intended to polish the Government’s image, for which millions of lei were spent. “Instead of assuming responsibility for the disaster in this system, the municipal administration makes a show of itself to dismiss some functionaries in an attempt to gather political capital, while thousands of people are forced to tremble with cold in their apartments”, the statement says. SDP declares that the present government and local public administration are directly responsible for the disaster in this system and think that the historical debts towards the heat supplier have accumulated as a result of the communists’ hollow statements regarding debts cancellation once they take power. The Government’s incapacity to reform the thermal energy system has worsened the situation of the heat supplier even more, SDP says. In order overcome the crisis, SDP urges the Government to draw up an efficient mechanism for reorganizing and decentralizing the thermal supply system, which would enable to significantly reduce the losses; to quadruple the amount of compensations offered to the unprivileged people for heat, which is outdated for 6 years already, as well as to extend the list of beneficiaries of compensations, taking into account the prices increase and inflation. At the same time, SDP urges the Chisinau City Hall to find resources to subsidize the ”Termocom” JSC, by redirecting the sources received from the state and local budget to compensate the supplier’s losses, as well as to urgently draw up a real mechanism for rearranging the residents’ payment schedule.