
Social assistance will be gradually reduced. Alexei Buzu: We stimulate employment


Those who do not find a job during a reasonable period of time or those who do not accept the job proposed by the National Employment Agency will gradually lose the social assistance, said Minister of Labor and Social Protection Alexei Buzu. According to him, the state this way encourages employment. Those who are classed as unemployed, but swiftly find a job will benefit from social assistance and also from salary during three months, IPN reports.

April brought less good news for the persons registered as unemployed in Moldova. The social assistance will be gradually reduced until it is fully excluded if the persons do not find a job.

“Starting from this April, all the persons registered as jobless, who social assistance and will not find a job or will not accept the job proposed by the National Employment Agency, will lose the right to get social assistance. If they do not find a job during six months, during the next two months they will lose 20% of the social assistance. If they have received social assistance for eight months, the social assistance will be reduced by 40%, while after ten months, the persons will lose the social assistance. Later, during 12 months, they will be unable to reregister for the program. The measures were introduced in a move to stimulate the employment of persons,” Alexei Buzu stated in the program “360 Degrees” on Radio Moldova channel.

According to the minister, the state will support those who find a job quickly. This way, during three months of the employment, the persons will get both the salary and social assistance from the state.

“A person who receives social assistance and manages to find a job will continue to receive social assistance and will also get the salary for a period of three months. They will not need to immediately give up the social assistance and to choose between this assistance and a salary that can be smaller initially. We each month monitor these figures for each district. We will see how things develop. We will propose a package of legislative amendments by which we will stimulate the local employment offices to provide more services to the jobless persons in a proactive way. We will offer all the information to them, all the support so as to help them find a job as only this way these persons can break the vicious circle of poverty. In the districts of Ocnița, Dondușeni, Nisporeni, the number of persons out of work who get social assistance is above the national average,” stated the minister.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, 27,700 persons were jobless in Moldova in 2022, as opposed to 28,200 unemployed persons in 2021.