
Smoking and alcohol increase risk of strokes


The most recent data of the National Health Management Center shows that about 6,000 people die annually in Moldova because of cerebral vascular accidents or strokes. The statistics were presented on the occasion of the World Health Day that is marked on April 7. This year, the authorities are urged to step up efforts to prevent and control high blood pressure, IPN reports.

According to doctors, hypertension contributes to the appearance of heart diseases and cerebral vascular accidents that, together, are the leading cause of premature death and disability in the world. Medical researches show the risk of hypertension can be reduced by balanced alimentation and regular physical activities and by avoiding smoking and exposure to smoking and drinking alcohol.

In a communiqué, the Center for Health Policies and Analyses says it was proven that the cigarette smoke has a direct negative impact on the cardiovascular system, damages the blood vessels, and increases the risk of tuberculosis, heart attack and stroke. Passive smoking increases the risk of coronary diseases by 25-30% and of acute coronary diseases by 35%.

The World Health Organization (WHO) said the exposure to cigarette smoke can be stopped only by fully banning smoking at the workplace and in closed public places.

Even if Moldova became a party to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control on May 4, 2009, smoking is not fully prohibited in closed public places and at work. Consequently, the people who do not smoke are not protected from cigarette smoke and are thus exposed to an increased risk to health. About 1 billion people all over the world are affected by high blood pressure.