
Slusari to Dodon: Have you seen many entrepreneurs borrowing money for salaries?


MP of the Party “Dignity and Truth Platform” (PPPDA) Alexandru Slusari said the authorities’ decision to pay interest on the loans taken out to pay salaries is a blunder. “You were an economist earlier. I thus ask you: have you seen many cases when business entities borrowed money for paying salaries?”, asked Alexandru Slusari, being quoted by IPN.

“In the current situation, how can the largest part of the enterprises that stopped work or reduced the activity raise short-term loans (of three months) if they don’t know at least approximately when they will be able to resume work and do not have a minimum of cash flow for other operations? Where will these business entities take money from for repaying the loans?” asked the vice president of the PPPDA.

“The best solution is for the state to pay directly technical unemployment benefit for three months for all the employees who stay at home because they are forced to, in the amount of minimum 50% of the salary. Another 30% could be paid by the employers that will this way keep the labor force and could think about loans or foreign grants for readjusting the business in a more relaxed way. You know very well that the necessary funds can be allocated from internal resources and also from external resources. Or, if you propose something else, it would mean interest schemes,” Alexandru Slusari posted on Facebook.

In the morning of April 13, President Igor Dodon announced that the authorities will provide additional support to business entities that take out loans equal to the value of the remuneration fund for three months, by covering the interest rates on bank loans with state budget funds. According to him, the state will pay the interest rates for business entities that will apply for loans in the immediate period, more exactly until December 31 this year, for paying salaries to employees or for circulating capital.